Thursday, January 04, 2007


Ok, the "Unit" number down below is now different, it is now #866.

Everything else stays the same.

Day 2 here. I had 3 classes this morning, of which I think I will drop 1, Macroeconomics, because he talks really fast and said something about basic mathematic skills and Algebra being used very frequently during the class...scared me right away. Maybe in some other situation, I will brave learning something that is possibly difficult for me...but not this semester. Not today. The temperatures are wacked, 12 Celsius ABOVE Canada, in January!

The classes I decided to keep for today were Intro to Human Geography (no tests, and a cool prof) and Plato's Republic (I've always wanted to read it).


Unknown said...

Somehow it is strange to think that your protoplasm was transported so far, but I sit in exactly the same spot reading your blog. I pray that God will bless your learning!


Anonymous said...

A whole class on Plato's republic. How very useful.

Megs said...

Bethany horne, although late, welcome back to Canada, and yes the weather is totally out of control here... too bad our country is so large adn you are on the oposite side. peace and love

Anonymous said...

I'm taking Human Geo too! It's a great class...
I want to come visit sometime...can I? :)
From Sheil