Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mac help

Some small questions I couldn't figure out, even with Mac Help:

-How do I install fonts again? I downloaded them, clicked the little "Install" bubble on the font file when I open it, but it doesn't appear automatically in my Font window when I open Pages. I am missing a step there. In fact, I only have about 15 fonts for use in Pages, but about 50 installed if I open FontBook. Confusing.

-Copying a non-music Cd. Is there a proram I can use? iTunes is fine for music CD's, but making a straight copy of a CD or DVD seems quite the procedure.

<---also, I now have skype...for those interested. groundhog593


Anonymous said...

i have skype too! except now you'll get weirdos talking to you, because in the search thingy, they'll have typed in a word that is spelt very much like our last name

heidi said...

you are flying along the technological scale. oh, western world!

Anonymous said...

you have a mac? what happened to that laptop you had. anyway, i don't know about the font thing but "to make a backup of your files insert a blank disc, drag files to the disc, and eject it. To burn an existing folder, select and choose Burn Disc from the File menu."

Anonymous said...

for DVD's i think you need specific software for that.

Josh said...

to get stuff off a cd that isn't music...

just click and drag the stuff from the cd into a folder or onto the desktop.