Saturday, January 07, 2006

Theres a little black spot on the sun today... Hi guys Yesterday was the 50 year anniversary of the massacre of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian in the Ecuadorian Jungle at the hands of some members of the Huaorani tribe. It also marked 13 years exactly since my family landed in this country as missionaries. 13


Twenty4Fifty said...

there's a movie coming out about the Saints and the whole story of the massacre and the tribe and stuff and my dad got a copy of the prerelease and we got to watch it O.o it was pretty good ya'll should all catch it when it comes out.

Unknown said...

hey! My family got to see the preview that Ecuador was given of the movie coming out!! My grandparents have a picture of them with with Elizabeth Saint and some of the Indians! Crazy!! and 13yrs!! This is a memoriable time!! Oh! I got your text! It came at the perfect moment! I laughed so hard! At first I was very concerned... you do a very good perverted Ecuadorian man impersonation!!! I loooooooooooooooooooove you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

are you going to get divorced?