Thursday, November 10, 2005

well, i'm off to the jungle. there isnt any electricity, let alone internet, so i'll see you guys on the other end of 10 days. if i get out alive. i'm seriosuly doubting it, after all the stories i've heard.


Leslie Puiras said...

Good luck, B-sauce. I'll be praying for you!

Josh said...

Likewise. Why can't I just waltz into the jungle. Instead I scramble looking for a parking spot.

Pamela Joy said...

You live my dreams. I shall not let my jealousy get the better of me but will put it to good use in praying for you often (or was, since you'll get this after you're back) I want a FULLLLLLLLL report when you are home! Beuno?!

Megs said...

Hmmm jungle living. tasty. I pray that you survive my dear with amazing tales to tell

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I'm praying for you hun!
I know you'll only get this once you're already back, but be careful!!
Ok, that didn't even make sense.

Unknown said...

You're amazing. Have a good time in the Amazon!